dinsdag 30 april 2013

How it all began,

Picking up on where my story ended last week, Ritinjali.
I found the organisation while I was searching information on the internet. What immediately caught my attention was a picture on their page. There he was, the boy about whom this all had started!

I started reading and then watched the You Tube video (three times, I think. Click here for the video. The story of Gopal brought tears in my eyes and I realized that in stead of searching information I could also really make a change by something to help out at the organisation.


And without thinking twice I decided to write an e-mail to Ritinjali that very same evening, stating that I wanted to volunteer and asking for a meeting. It was kind of an emotional mail rather then a rational one, but at least I had taken the first step.  

An answer followed soon. A very enthusiastic reaction with an invitation for a meeting in person. On the 16th of April I went to the Vassant Valley School where I met mr. Arun Kapur, Line and Dirleen. We had a great conversation and I found out that there where lot's of opportunities for me to help out. 


So here is the plan. First of all they where gonna help me out, identifying the young man I was talking about and they would get us in contact. Then they would plan some meetings at INA Night School and at the Second Chance School so I could meet all the guys and talk to them. Last but not least, we would plan a meeting to talk about possibilities to get involved by giving art workshops at Second Chance School. The work of the boys/men could then later be shown/sold at an exhibition to raise more money to put into the project. Also, they told me about pick-nicks and other events to hang out and talk to the young guys. Actually it would mean that my whole family would become part of the project. Needles to say (but I will do it anyway) that I was absolutely thrilled. 

So, stay tuned. Next time I will fill you in on my first proper meeting with my new friend and a first visit to INA Night School. In the meantime I have lots of new inspiration for my illustrations...


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